- #Transcad caliper manuals#
- #Transcad caliper update#
- #Transcad caliper software#
- #Transcad caliper professional#
#Transcad caliper software#
#Transcad caliper update#
Please note that even though I will post more videos on Youtube, I will not update this file for download, so the safest place to find the most up-to-date videos will always be my channel on Youtube.Ī friend asked me what do I gain from creating and posting these videos, and the answer to that question is very simple: The videos can be found in the format of a playlist on Youtube, but you can also download most of the video files from HERE (675Mb). Especially software like Citilabs Cube, which has a much more difficult learning curve, would give a much better impression to their new users. Seeing how well the videos were received, I believe that the software houses could invest some time in creating their own video tutorials or giving incentives for users to do so.
#Transcad caliper manuals#
#Transcad caliper professional#
Since I already had professional experience with TransCad and already knew pretty well the theory of the 4-step model, I decided that I’d use some of my time as a TA to develop some material to help the students with TransCad features: A series of videos to help my students with their project and a text tutorial (the subject of a future post when it is more complete). McNally had put together a very detailed step-by-step tutorial for proceeding with the project development, some students had problems “visualizing” the instructions. The first time I thought this class was in 2011, and I found that even though Prof. This discipline on 4-step modeling with a very intense (textbook) project to be done in TransCad, and I am the one teaching the students about the software (currently the 5.0 version, but I hope we will get the 6.0 from Caliper eventually since they have been very kind in giving us the software in the past). Among the many activities I have there, I am the teaching assistant (TA) for CEE123, which is an undergraduate senior class created to teach the 4-step modeling process to senior undergraduate and graduate students. As I already mentioned, I’m currently pursuing my Ph.D.